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Recommended Age: 13 & Up
Fiskars® Premier Original Orange-Handled Scissors - Item # 10405225
Fiskars® 8" Wanderlust Teal Scissors - Item # 10719810
Fiskars® 6" Precision Needle-Nose Pliers - Item # 10723500
Fiskars® Confetti-Making Set - Item # 10669681
Fiskars® 15" x 18" Silicone Craft Mat - Item # 10669659
Wooden Beads (Large and Small)
Green Paper
Mixture of Green Felt
Gold Felt
Black and White Paint Markers or Acrylic Paint
Paint Brush
Orange Craft Faux Fur
Hot Glue Gun
Green Floral Wire
Doing this project? Share your craft with us on all social media platforms using #makeitwithmichaels and #learnwithmichaels.
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