3 Wolf Moon Shirt (By: The Mountain) | Funny Amazon Reviews

3 Wolf Moon Shirt (By: The Mountain) | Funny Amazon Reviews

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When you are going on amazon you are bound to find something that tickles your fancy. Here we are taking a deep dive on what could be the classic internet product review that kinda started it all for comedy reviewers. The 3 wolf moon shirt from The Mountain, is a take on the classic power animal idea where you are able to take some crazy screen print and get people to buy it. This was a big deal back in like 2009 so why should we not spend over 10 hours making and editing this video to talk about it in 2020.

Sometimes I think why am I even trying to make art to build a following, then I remember none of this matter and I love just trying to see what can happen.

If you are still reading this, give me a comment so I know all this effort is not in vain.

Much love-


Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free...
Background art: made by me following some tight after effects tutorials

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