5 quick ways to manage shopping addiction - Dr. Surekha Tiwari

5 quick ways to manage shopping addiction - Dr. Surekha Tiwari

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Shopping addiction is like any other addiction. It is a way where you feel that you just can’t stop be it smoking, shopping be it drinking, just going wild with anything you can’t control. There is a very old quotation which says that all temptation lies in the eyes and shopping I s another kind of temptation the first remedy to shopping temptation is do not feel your temptation. Try not to go to places where you can have temptation try not to go to places where you can’t control the environment in which you are not tempted. There is a very old added myth that says that for any habit to change you need 21 days, if you can provide yourself with those 21 days of sustainable abstinence form temptation, you will find that your strength will grow and as you find that your strength will grow, the strength feeds more confidence and confidence will help in overcoming an addiction much faster than anything else. The second thing as they say as the longest of journeys begins with the first step. Whenever the very fact that you have raised the question means that you are on the path to recovery. You know that you have gone to a level where it has become an addiction. Not a necessity and it is getting to a place where if you don’t shop, you are depressed and recognizing this status itself will give you the necessary elements of staying. You go to the market and try and go with a limited budget. Try and go with limited meals so that you can arrest this shopping. Third, whenever you are getting in the mode of addiction, try and tell yourself let me shop tomorrow. I have seen in a lot of cases the moment you start procrastinating yourself it starts diluting itself. So procrastinating helps this. fourth is share it with a friend and get help form people around you who are sincere to you and tell that I have this problem , please do not go this way and genuine friends will extend genuine help. Just stay, it will go.