I Tested Thrifted Kitchen Gadgets: https://youtu.be/a6vNNqIytVU?si=AEnj_QGPKBeYbkGJ
I Tested Vintage HOUSEWIFE Recipes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJJcWfi7yOw
Edited by Kelly Yu: https://itskellyyu.com
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/honeysuckle/
SHOP all the cooking gadgets: https://www.amazon.com/shop/honeysuckle
Want me to try your Gadget? Send your tool or gadget to this address for a chance of having it on a video!
Dzung Lewis (Honeysuckle)
1048 Irvine Ave #203
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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