Don't Believe the Bad Information! GOODWILL THRIFT WITH ME

Don't Believe the Bad Information! GOODWILL THRIFT WITH ME

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In this Goodwill thrift with me I'm at one of the biggest Goodwills in Las Vegas looking for items I can resell. I discuss something that has really been bothering me lately, check out what I have to say in this thrift with me adventure!

See something you like? The items I purchase go right into my online store first at :
Check out the @NicheShoppingNetwork for LIVE sales

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Here is what NICHE Lady uses to cross post to other sites
List Perfectly Cross Posting Software
Get 30% off your 1st month with the code TheNicheLady

I want everyone to succeed! I unfortunately can not answer all the questions here in comments.
For help with eBay and other sites - Join my interactive group for Online Sellers
Worthpoint is a tool the NICHE Lady uses to get more information on items There is a 7 day free trial available!

To send some love:
The NICHE Lady
PO Box 752544
Las Vegas, NV 89136

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