How I Got a 20k Follower Shoutout on My Amazon FBA Product For Free

How I Got a 20k Follower Shoutout on My Amazon FBA Product For Free

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Publish Date:
14 October, 2022
Amazon Products
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How I Got a 20k Follower Shoutout on My Amazon FBA Product For Free. Amazon fba private label is old school, build a brand on amazon and sell high quality products then get influencer shoutouts. Amazon PPC is only one way to make sales from ad.

πŸ‘‡πŸ“ž One on One Call With Paul πŸ“žπŸ‘‡

The first thing I did was made my instagram page for my e-commerce brand.

Follow 100 people in your space that do EXACTLY what your customers like to see. (5-100K followers)

The next thing I did was posted content that was 50% sharing my journey and 50% what people already want to watch

When I first started building my brands instagram I was really discouraged. I would get lots of views and likes on certain posts but I couldn’t gain followers fast enough.

Then I figured out the secret sauce of social media.

Being social!!!

Message big accounts directly and praise them for their content, the fastest way to get my attention in the comments is to say how much you love this video. (Like reminder)

Start a conversation that GIVES value and appreciation.

Then make the ask, related to your brand but not about promotion.

β€œCan I ask you something about β€”β€”-? I’d really love to hear your insight.”

Once they give you insight, acknowledge it with praise. You want them to feel your passion for making this work. This is a good time to explain your launch date and how excited you are. Plant the seed of a promotion being life changing. If you’re lucky they will offer to help you out. DONT EXPECT IT, its just a nice surprise. If everything goes perfectly they do it for free, if not you have a new relationship in the industry and a person who will be a likely ambassador if they like your product. Make $$$ selling a great product that people love.

πŸ‘‡πŸ“ž One on One Call With Paul πŸ“žπŸ‘‡
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*I am not a financial advisor, enter any business at your own risk. I am simply sharing experiences i've had and what i've learned. I am an entrepreneur, my results and the results of my students are not guaranteed. You could make more, less, or the same. I am not a "get rich quick" kind of guy. My calls are simply for access to my opinions and experiences, they should not be taken as financial advice. Please note that what I do is hard work and I love sharing what i've learned. Im happy to help anyone who knows the risk and is willing to put in the work! :)

I am documenting the journey of growing my company. Subscribe to see more :)

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