If you're new to Amazon selling, you've probably asked yourself, "what the heck do you even sell on Amazon anyway?"
Simple answer: anything that's profitable!
But there are a number of layers to that answer we need to peel back.
One of those layers is:
Do you have to search out new and unique products that have never been sold on Amazon before? And just hope that they sell?
Can you piggy-back off of what's ALREADY being sold on Amazon and sell more of those products?
You can do either one. Or both.
But which one is easiest... and less risky?
Our Director of Training & Coaching, Brian Cummings, explains it all, plus gives you a window into some of those other layers (wholesale selling) as well as some strategies for how you might start sourcing some products of your own.
This entire episode is of Saturday Morning Live for E-Commerce Sellers is available inside our free group, along with TONS more e-commerce content and thousands of like-minded e-com entrepreneurs just like yourself.
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